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Small Business Marketing Tips to Avoid Failure In The UK

Small Business Marketing Tips to Avoid Failure In The UK

You don't have to fail.

It is no secret that the United Kingdom is a great place to start a business. With a thriving economy and a population always looking for new opportunities, it would seem like small businesses and startups would be able to succeed in this environment.

However, recent studies have shown that over 60% of businesses in the UK fail within their first year.

So, what gives? Why are so many small businesses failing in the UK? In this blog post, we will explore why small businesses are failing and offer some tips on how you can avoid becoming one of these statistics.

Lack of a business plan:

One of the main reasons small businesses fail is that they do not have a solid business plan. Many companies try to wing it and see where things go, but this is not a sustainable or effective way to run a business.

Without a clear plan and goals, it will be tough to make your business successful in the long run.

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Many businesses fail because they do not have a clear business model. To be successful, a company needs to have a clear plan for how it will make money.

Without a clear understanding of its revenue streams, a business will have difficulty attracting investment and generating profits.

A well-thought-out business model can help a business identify and exploit opportunities, differentiate itself from its competitors, and build a sustainable competitive advantage.

Additionally, a clear business model can provide clarity and direction for the business, helping it to focus its resources on activities that will generate the greatest return. Consequently, companies that want to succeed need to ensure a clear and robust business model.

Poor financial management :

Small businesses fail because of poor financial management. Poor finances can manifest themselves in several ways, such as not keeping track of expenses, not having a budget, or not understanding cash flow.

All of these things can lead to serious financial problems down the road.

poor financial management

Poor financial management, budgeting, and forecasting can have disastrous consequences for businesses.

Without a clear understanding of where revenue is coming from and where businesses can quickly find themselves in debt. In addition, companies that do not accurately forecast their cash flow needs can be caught off guard by unexpected expenses.

As a result, they may be forced to take out loans or sell assets at fire-sale prices. On the other hand, sound financial management provides businesses with the information to make informed decisions about where to allocate their resources.

It also allows businesses to plan for unexpected expenses and ensure that they have the cash on hand to meet their obligations. In short, sound financial management is essential for business success.

Not enough marketing and promotion:

For a small business to succeed, it needs to get its name out there and attract customers. However, many small businesses fail to do this effectively. They either do not market themselves at all, or they do not promote their products and services in the right way.

As a result, potential customers are unaware of the company and its offerings, which ultimately fails the business.

lady screaming with megaphone

Marketing is vital for every business, no matter how big or small. Marketing is "the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service." In other words, marketing helps businesses reach their target audiences and convince them to buy their products or services.

There are many different channels through which businesses can market their products or services, including online advertising, television commercials, and print ads.

One of the main reasons marketing is so important is that it can help businesses reach new markets and expand their customer base. For example, if a company only markets its products or services within a narrow geographical area, it will only be able to serve a limited number of customers.

However, if the same business were to invest in national or even international marketing campaigns, it could reach millions of new customers. It is more important than ever for companies to have a strong presence in multiple markets in today's global economy.

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Another reason why marketing is essential for businesses is that it can help to build brand awareness and equity.

Brand awareness refers to how consumers are familiar with a particular brand. The more aware they are of a brand, the more likely they buy from you.

Failure to adapt to changing market conditions:

When markets change, businesses need to adapt to stay competitive. Failing to do so can result in lost market share, dwindling profits, and failure. There are many reasons why businesses need to be adaptable.

First, tastes and trends change over time, and what was popular yesterday may not be popular today. Second, new technologies can disrupt entire industries, making it necessary for businesses to adopt new ways of operating to stay ahead of the curve.

Finally, changing economic conditions can impact consumer spending habits, making it necessary for businesses to adjust their pricing and marketing strategies accordingly.

By remaining flexible and adaptable, businesses can ensure that they can survive and thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

Poor customer service:

There are many reasons why poor customer service can be bad for business. First, it can lead to a loss of customers. If customers have a negative experience, they will likely take their business elsewhere.

In addition, bad customer service can damage a company's reputation. Once word gets out that a company is not providing good service, it can be challenging to recover. Finally, poor customer service can also lead to higher operating costs.

customer service checklist

For example, if a company regularly has to deal with complaints and returns, it will eventually take a toll on the bottom line.

On the other hand, good customer service is essential for success, and it creates loyal customers who are more likely to stick with a company even with problems. Good customer service is also crucial for attracting new customers.

In today's competitive marketplace, people have a lot of choices, and they will often go with the company that offers the best service. Finally, good customer service is essential for building a solid brand. A company with excellent customer service will be seen as dependable and trustworthy, which can help it stand out from the competition.

In short, businesses need to focus on providing good customer service if they want to be successful.

Ineffective leadership:

Leadership is essential for the success of any organisation. Good leaders inspire and motivate their employees, which leads to increased productivity and improved performance. On the other hand, poor leaders can harm morale and cause employees to become disengaged and even leave your company.

This can lead to a decline in productivity and, ultimately, the failure of the business. There are many reasons why poor leadership is bad for business, but some of the most important ones are listed below.

Leadership written on chalkboard

Firstly, poor leadership can create a toxic environment within the organisation, leading to infighting and backstabbing among employees, damaging morale and hindering performance.

Secondly, poor leaders tend to be micromanagers who stifle creativity and innovation, leading to a stagnation of ideas and a lack of progress within the company. Lastly, poor leaders often make decisions that are not in the organisation's best interests, ultimately leading to its downfall. Poor leaders tend to have an authoritarian view of business.

Good leadership is essential for the success of any organisation. Poor leadership can have disastrous consequences for a business, so it is crucial to have strong leaders who can guide your company to success.

Poor leadership can also include ownership; networking is a great way to learn and ask questions about other leadership styles, and what skills you can aquire to become a more effective leader.

Lack of education / experience / expertise:

Many people think that having a degree in business is the only way to succeed in owning your own business. However, this is not always the case.

While education can provide you with crucial theoretical knowledge, it is not always necessary to have a degree to be a successful business owner. Many successful entrepreneurs have started their businesses without any formal education in business.

man in black turtle neck teaching students

However, they generally have years of experience working in their entering industry. This experience gives them the practical knowledge and skills needed to run a successful business, and it also allows them to build relationships with potential customers and suppliers.

Without either education or experience in business, it is tough to start and grow a successful company. The vast majority of companies without an owner who has an education or experience in business fail within the first year.

Therefore, if you are thinking about starting your own business, it is essential to either get an education in business or gain experience working in the industry you want to enter. Otherwise, you are likely setting yourself up for failure.

It was too hard, so they quit too soon:

Starting and running a business is hard work. There are many moving parts, and it can be challenging to keep everything organised and running smoothly. It's important not to give up easily because success in business takes time, dedication, and hard work.

Many business owners give up too soon because they don't see results immediately. They get discouraged and think that their business is too hard to run. However, if you keep at it and don't give up, eventually, you will see results. Persistence is key in business.

frustrated women around books

Successful people have usually gone through many trials and errors before finding what works. So don't give up on your dream of owning a successful business - keep working hard, and eventually, you'll achieve your goals.

Passion will always carry you through when business gets hard. They may have started the business for the wrong reasons, or they may have lost interest along the way.

Whatever the case may be, it won't be easy to succeed if you are not passionate about your business, and passion is what drives you. Or, as Simon Sinek says, "Start With Why"


Although there are many reasons why small businesses fail in the UK, we have highlighted some of the most common ones. By being aware of these potential pitfalls, you can take steps to avoid them and give your business the best chance at success.

If you need help writing a business plan that works, or if you would like more information on how to start a business in the UK, please get in touch with our team today. We would be happy to assist you!

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by joey urban 15 Sept, 2023
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